


The heart of the festival is a small, passionate, and driven team. Here they are, introducing themselves through three key questions.

Special thanks to Jimmy Beaulieu for creating the stunning portraits of our team!

Mélanie La Roche

Executive Director

  • Besides reading comics (of course), what are your passions?

    I love music and go to concerts whenever I get the chance. I also enjoy cooking and challenging myself with new recipes. Finally, I played water polo at a high level for a long time, and I still play for fun.
  • What do you enjoy most about your work?

    It’s thanks to comic creators that I rediscovered comics and now work at MCAF. I take pride in organizing the most wonderful celebration for them and in showcasing Québécois comics. My position involves a wide variety of tasks, and I find great satisfaction in solving the many challenges that come with organizing the MCAF.
  • A discovery that left a lasting impression on you in the past year?

    I’ve enjoyed diving into “comics” over the past year. The dynamic fight scene compositions in Do a Powerbomb! by Daniel Warren Johnson and Mike Spicer kept me on the edge of my seat, and I loved the originality and colors in Rare Flavours by Ram V and Filipe Andrade.

Virginie Mont-Reynaud

Programming Director

  • Besides reading comics (of course), what are your passions?

    Reading books without pictures—yes, I know, sacrilege! I’m a huge fan of all kinds of science fiction, whether it’s in comics, novels, or on screen. And when I feel like socializing, I love playing board games with my friends.
  • What do you enjoy most about your work?

    I love discovering new things. Even though I sadly don’t have time to read everything, my work allows me to explore everything comics have to offer, and it’s truly magical!
  • A discovery that left a lasting impression on you in the past year?

    Cathon’s Salade de fruits isn’t exactly a discovery, but more of a rediscovery. I had already read most of the strips online on her social media, and yet I still laughed at the jokes as if it were the first time. No matter the medium, it works!

Jennifer Plouznikoff

Project manager – Programming

  • Besides reading comics (of course), what are your passions?

    I could travel endlessly (but where would I put my library?)
  • What do you enjoy most about your work?

    My team, and meeting the artists and exhibitors! It’s such a joy to welcome people from all over, and the connections made at the festival are especially inspiring. It’s my little ideal world!
  • A discovery that left a lasting impression on you in the past year?

    This year, I fell in love with “gastronomic” comics: I happily devoured À boire et à manger by Guillaume Long and finally discovered the manga Midnight Diner. Good food is also an art form, sometimes a way to reach something greater, and it’s a true social connection. It’s not easy to tackle this topic from an artistic perspective, and I deeply appreciate these works that do it so well—beautifully tying it all back to the human experience.

Programming Committee

This year sees the creation of a Programming Committee whose mandate to develop and prepare a unique, diverse and interesting programing slate for the Festival that reflects the broader cultural moment. All the people chosen have been involved with the Festival for several years and are important individuals in the Montreal comics community.

  • Catherine Emmanuel Brunet | Moderator
  • Rodolphe Legrand | Representative & Comics creator
  • April Petchsri | Comics creator
  • François Vigneault | Cartoonist & Translator