26th Bédélys


The 26th Bédélys Awards

The Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF) has launched the 26th Bédélys Awards on March 25 with the announcement of the finalists in its six categories.

  • Bédélys Québec
  • Bédélys Youth Québec
  • Bédélys Independent Francophone
  • Bédélys Independent Anglophone
  • Bédélys Youth
  • Bédélys International

The winners of the 26th Bédélys Awards will be announced on Thursday May 22, 2025 as part of the 14th annual Montreal Comic Arts Festival.

Find all the information on the different Bédélys categories.


Best comic book created and published in Quebec 

The winner will receive a $1,500 grant from Planète BD bookstore and a unique trophy created by artist Karl Dupéré-Richer.

The finalists of the Bédélys Québec are:

  • Ama, André-Philippe Côté (Moelle Graphik)
  • Le chahut qui vient, Aude Fourest (L’Oie de Cravan)
  • Maya contre la malédiction du centre d’achat, Sophie Bédard (Pow Pow)
  • Momm, Catherin (Pow Pow)
  • Salade de fruits, Cathon (Pow Pow)


Best comic book for an audience aged 14 and under by a Québec artist published in Québec 

The winner will receive a $1,500 grant from Télé-Québec and a unique trophy created by artist Karl Dupéré-Richer.
A video featuring the winner will be produced by La Fabrique Culturelle, Télé-Québec’s digital platform dedicated entirely to Québec culture.

The finalists of the Bédélys Youth Québec are:

  • Gilbert et les monstres, Rhéa Dufresne, PisHier (Éditions Les 400 coups)
  • KIN-J T.1 : Le peuple du réseau, Stéphan Arche (Glénat Québec)
  • La bibliothèque enchantée T.1 : Le livre aspirateur, Jocelyn Boisvert, Enzo (Éditions Michel Quintin)
  • Les Morilles T.1 : Pagaille dans la forêt des Marmillons, Chloé Baillargeon (Les Malins)
  • Ma vie de zombie : Le champion du cimetière, Éric Péladeau (Bayard Canada)


Best self-published francophone comic book created in Quebec

The winner will receive a $1,000 grant from the Montreal Comic Arts Festival, as well as a half-table at the 2025 edition of the MCAF, a copy of Antidote+ Personal from Druide informatique and a unique trophy created by artist Karl Dupéré-Richer.

The finalists of the Bédélys Independent Francophone are:

  • EXIT les vieux…le dernier étage, Jean-Pierre Dubé
  • Je ne suis pas un accident, Lucile Bernard
  • Journal Américain 2, Aurélie Grand
  • Muse de personne, Aurore Juin
  • Victuailles à volonté, Greigori


Best self-published anglophone comic book created in Quebec

The winner will receive a $1,000 grant from the Montreal Comic Arts Festival, as well as a half-table at the 2025 edition of the MCAF, a copy of Antidote+ Personal from Druide informatique and a unique trophy created by artist Karl Dupéré-Richer.

The finalists of the Bédélys Independent Anglophone are:

  • I,THE PEOPLE, Natacha Novem
  • The String, Helen Park
  • Walsy: The Red Glove, Sarah Kourkejian
  • WestWolf: Dead or alive, Denis Hotte, Nino Mancuso
  • Woven, Joshua Barkman


Best French-language comic book for an audience of 7 to 14 years of age

The winner will receive a unique trophy created by artist Karl Dupéré-Richer.

The finalists of the Bédélys Youth are:

  • Chaton mignon T.1 : En action, Mason Dickerson (Gallimard)
  • Chasseuse de fantômes, Shawnelle & Shawneé Gibbs, Emily Cannon (Jungle)
  • Décrocher la lune, Wendy Mass, Gabi Mendez (Jungle)
  • La nouvelle, Cassandra Calin (Scholastic)
  • Quand la nuit tombe – Lisou, Marion Achard, Toni Galmès (Delcourt)


Best comic book published in French-language outside of Québec

The winner will receive a unique trophy created by artist Karl Dupéré-Richer.

The finalists of the Bédélys International are:

  • Âme augmentée, Ezra Claytan Daniels (404 Éditions)
  • Au-dedans, Will McPhail (404 Éditions)
  • Deux filles nues, Luz (Albin Michel)
  • Ernestine, Salomé Lahoche (Même pas mal)
  • Ginseng Roots – Racines, Craig Thompson (Casterman)
  • Impénétrable, Alix Garin (Le Lombard)
  • La route, Manu Larcenet (Dargaud)
  • Le Feu de saint Antoine, Nicolas Pegon (Réalistes)
  • Racines, Lou Lubie (Delcourt)
  • Walicho, Sole Otero (Éditions çà et là)


MCAF would like to thank the volunteer jury members, without whom the Bédélys Awards couldn’t happen and who read over 873 comics in 2024:

Adrien Desbiens-Benn, Alexis Robin-Brisebois, Alyssa Favreau, Annie Bacon, Anthony Labonté, Audrey Bluteau, Blaise Cronimus, Catherine LeBlanc-Fredette, Charlotte Delwaide, David Choquette, Émilie Chastel, Francis Kelly, Isabelle Jameson, Jean-Michel Berthiaume, Jennifer Ricard, Jessica Lecavalier, Johanne Desrochers, Julie Pare, Karim Talbi, Louis-Augustin Roy, Lucile Bernard, Ludi Marwood, Maria Moreno Ramirez, Marianne Dugré, Maude Bourassa-Francoeur, Maxime Beaulieu, Mélina Lopez-Racine, Michel Chénier, Nemo Lieutier, Olivier Lirette Teoli, Romy Dumontier, Sandrine Bourget-Lapointe, Sara Teinturier, Saypraseuth Mounsaveng, Sébastien Richard, Stéphanie Lamothe, Thalia Stopa, Thiago Ferreira

And the young readers of the Ahuntsic, Langelier, Le prévost, Marc-Favreau and Père-Ambroise libraries for their involvement.