Animation : Crossover Bookclub! Little Monsters Vol. 1

Sunday, May 28, 2023
from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Rendez-vous - E 37
All audience
Get a taste of what happens at Crossover Comics' Bookclub from the comfort of MCAF!
Rather than holding our usual session at our store in Saint-Henri, we are bringing our club of usual readers AND the fun that ensues to the festival. Join us to discuss Jeff Lemire & Dustin Nguyen's latest book Little Monsters, about a coven of vampire children surviving past the end of the world... Don't have the book yet? You can pick one up at Crossover Comics or at our booth at MCAF and easily read it in time.
Outside of the festival, Crossover Comics' Bookclub has been ongoing for nine years, normally happening monthly, on the third Sunday of the month at 3pm.
Come discover a lovingly curated selection of what comics has to offer with a warm and friendly group!