About Marc Tessier

Author’s Graphic Novel, Fantastic, Historic, Sociopolitical
Teen, Adult
Marc Tessier is the author of René Lévesque, quelque chose comme un grand homme (Moelle Graphik, 2021) and Un Paris pour Dallaire (La Pastèque, 2022), both finalists for the Prix des libraires in the comics category in 2023. He's behind the translation – from English to French – of Géants aux pieds d’argile (Moelle Graphik, 2022) and Voyage en apnée (Moelle Graphik, 2023). He also produced Le retour de l’Iroquois by Louis Rémillard.
La maison des regards – 2024, Moelle graphik
Bacchus – 2024, Moelle graphik
René Lévesque – 2021, Moelle graphik
Guest at MCAF
2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024