About Jimmy Beaulieu

Jimmy Beaulieu was born on the Île d'Orléans in 1974. He began his twenties in Quebec City as a bookseller and musician, and ended them in Montreal, where he moved in 1998 to try his hand at comics. In September 2000, he published his first little book, Quelques pelures, and therefore founded the Mécanique générale publishing house. At the same time, in 2002, he launched the Colosse fanzine collection, in which he published daringly shaped microprints. In 2003, he began running comic strip workshops at the Cégep du Vieux Montréal. These workshops will see the participation of many of the leading artists in Quebec's comics revival. In 2004, he moved to Angoulême for an eight-month residency at the Maison des auteurs, which had a considerable impact on his subsequent work. Halfway through this residency, he launched Le moral des troupes (Mécanique générale, 2004), which brought him to the attention of Quebecers outside the comics nanocosm. In 2009, at the end of a residency in St-Malo, he decided to stop running Mécanique générale to devote himself to his work as an author. Two libidinous books followed, À la faveur de la nuit (Les impressions nouvelles, 2010) and Comédie sentimentale pornographique (Shampoo, 2011). Both titles have been translated into several languages. In 2014, he doubles his teaching load by agreeing to lead a workshop at Rosemont College. Rôles de composition (Mécanique générale and Vraoum!), his next book, was published in 2016. He has since published Jardin des complexes with Nouvelle adresse in 2023.
Jardin des complexes – 2023, Nouvelle Adresse
Non-aventures : planches à la première personne – 2013, Mécanique Générale
Rôles de composition – 2016, Mécanique Générale

Guest at MCAF
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024