About Pascal Colpron
Adventure/Detective, Author’s Graphic Novel, Fantastic, Humour
Youth, Teen
Pascal Colpron was born on February 9, 1973 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. After various studies in visual arts and communications, graphic design and animation, Pascal worked as an illustrator for a digital special effects company for ten years, before taking the plunge into comics. He made a name for himself with his web comic about life as a new dad, and had the pleasure of assisting Delaf on the decors for volumes 4 to 7 of Les Nombrils. In addition to illustrating book covers, he is now working on a historical series for a Quebec children's magazine and, based on scenarios by Jocelyn Boisvert, drawing the adventures of Yan Faucher, the lovable zombie from Mort et déterré, now in volume 3. Pascal proudly sports the colossal moustache that has become his trademark over the years!
Mort et déterré (série - écrits par Jocelyn Boisvert) – 2019 à 2022, éditions Dupuis

Guest at MCAF
2012, 2022, 2023, 2024