About Axelle Lenoir

Author’s Graphic Novel, Humour
Teen, Adult
Axelle Lenoir is a comic-book artist from Témiscouata who has been living in Montreal for the past few years. She was born in the tiny space of time between generation X and the millennials – whatever that means. After 20 years of wandering the European, American and Quebec comic book markets, she finally understood why she was putting herself through so much suffering : she's simply silly. This awakening, or rather, this enlightenment, did not change much, since she's committed herself to writing an excessively long auto-fiction entitled Secret Passages (published by Pow Pow). In this series, the author modifies her past to tell a story about the harshness of existence. Among other things, she deals with the liminal spaces that have always fascinated and shaped her. The edge of the forest, the in-between sleep, the bus journeys and those brief moments, when we voluntarily fall from the trees, between the fall and the landing, to name a few. Don't jump out of trees! At first glance, her stories make you laugh, but don't let that fool you! Axelle is tough and if you're not careful, she'll take you to places you might not want to go... Her main sources of inspiration are nature (animals, lil'birdies, mushrooms and all the rest), evil music (listening to it, composing it), writing (even poetry...), witchcraft (Ocus fuckus!) and biographies written in the third person.
Si on était – 2022, Front Froid
Passages secrets – 2023, Pow Pow

Bédélys jeunesse 2023
Guest at MCAF
2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024