About Birgit Weyhe

avant, Cambourakis, Cassava Republik, Mami, Colosse
Author’s Graphic Novel
Birgit Weyhe was born in 1969, in Munich. She spent her childhood in East Africa before she moved back to Germany to study in Konstanz and Hamburg. In 1997, she achieved a Master’s Degree in German Literature and History. In 2002, she started to study illustration at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Earning her Diploma in 2008, she now works as a comic book artist. Her work has been exhibited in numerous European countries and her comics have been published in a wide range of international magazines and anthologies. Her Graphic Novels have been nominated for different prizes in Germany, France and Japan. Her book "Madgermanes" has won the two most important German prizes in 2015 and 2016. On behalf of the Goethe Institut she gave lectures on her work and various international workshops. She has spent time in São Paulo and Helsinki as part of Artist Exchange Programmes. She teaches since 2012 at various universities in Germany and the US.
Kermesse au paradis
La ronde
German Calendar, No December
Ich weiß
2015 Comicbuchpreis der Berthold Leidinger Stiftung
2016 Max-und-Moritz-Preis
Guest at MCAF