About Maria-Eliana Aguayo

Born in Santiago de Chile 1959, she is a industrial Civil Engineer and MBA IDE-Esem Spain. Since 2014, Maria-Eliana working as founding partners and general editors of NautaColecciones, an editorial focused on reinstanting graphic memoirs in Chilean popular culture. She is the responsible for coordinating missions of artists, publishers and researchers to exhibitions aln festivals in other countries. Maria-Eliana is also co-author of Una Aventura en Hollywood and author of the book 18/10 Reflexión Visual del Estallido Social en Chile, which collects toghether graphics works fronm young Chileans reflecting on the social movement of October 2019. She is the curator text of Chilean Women in Comics –Catalog 2021 (ProChile).
18/10 Reflexión Visual del Estallido Social en Chile, published by NautaColecciones (2019)

Guest at MCAF