About Félix B. Desfossés

Essay, Historic
Teen, Adult
Félix B. Desfossés is a journalist specializing in music and its history since 2005. He is known for his work as a columnist with the Radio-Canada programs Bande à part, Aujourd'hui l'histoire, La soirée est (encore) jeune and On dira ce qu'on voudra, to name a few. As an author, Félix B. Desfossés has four books to his credit: L'évolution du métal québécois (2014, also translated into English for the world market in 2021), Les racines du hip-hop au Québec (2020), Vulgaires Machins (2022), L'histoire de cinq grands groupes métal québécois (2022/2023). Over the years, Félix B. Desfossés has positioned himself in the Quebec media ecosystem as a reference in music history as well as an observer and critic of current global and local musical trends.
L'histoire de 5 grands groupes métal au Québec, chez Éditions Sawin (2022)
avec François Simard

Guest at MCAF