About nicole marie burton

nicole marie burton is a comics artist and children’s book illustrator living on unceded Algonquin land. Born in the US and now based in Ontario, their work focuses on art with themes of social justice. Nicole is a founding member of the Ad Astra Comix publishing collective, and acts as artistic director at Petroglyph Studios. Their latest published work includes graphic novels DREAMS 1: Visions of the Crow and Wonder Drug: LSD in the land of Living Skies as well as the children's book, The Boy Who Walked Backwards.
DREAMS, tome 1 : Visions of the Crow, published by HighWaterPress (2023-)
with Wanda John-Kehewin
Wonder Drug: LSD in the Land of Living Skies, published by Ad Astra Comix (2021)
The Beast: Making a Living on a Dying Planet, published by Ad Astra Comix (2018)
The Boy Who Walked Backwards, published by Manitoba First Nations Education (2018)

Guest at MCAF