About Esofii (Sophie Escabasse)

Sophie is a French illustrator and comic artist. Brooklynite at heart, she is now living in the beautiful city of Montreal with her family and their old cat. She is the author of the best selling graphic novel series The Witches of Brooklyn (published by Random House Graphic). You can also find her illustrations in the middle grade series The Derby Daredevils, by Kit Rosewater, or regularly in the American magazine Kazoo. Her next graphic novel, Taxi ghost, that takes place in Montreal, will be out in September 2024.
The Witches of Brooklyn series - published by Random House Graphic
Les Sorcières de Brooklyn - chez Bande d'Ado, Bayard
Les Bruixes de Brooklyn - chez Edebé

Les Sorcières de Brooklyn, T1 - Prix des libraires du Québec (catégorie jeunesse Hors Québec)
Les Bruixes de Brooklyn - Prix Atrapallibres (Catalogne)
The Witches of Brooklyn, T3 : S'more Magic - Finaliste - QWF Book Prize 2023
Guest at MCAF
2023, 2024