About Francisco Inostroza

Author’s Graphic Novel, Fantastic, Historic
Teen, Adult
Producer, director and screenwriter trained at IACC and holds a postgraduate degree in film directing from the University of Chile. Founding partner and project director of the professional association ACORA Bio Bio. Since 2012, he has produced many of many films including "Hidden of the woods" (2012) by Patricio Valladares which had its world premiere at the Fantasia festival. Francisco is also involved in the comic book community, he is among other things, a scripter but also the founder and CEO of www.gutter.cl, a web platform for reading and streaming comics in Chile. He currently produces "ArtBook of Chilean authors" who work in the United States: Alan Robinson, Gabriel Rodriguez and Amancay Nahuelpan.
Circus pour In Absentia Mortis, Dessinateur
El Brujo, Scénariste
Anathema, Scénariste
Lautaro, Scénariste
Guest at MCAF