About Michèle Laframboise

Michèle Laframboise feeds coffee grounds to her garden plants, runs long distances and creates compelling fiction from her secret basement in Mississauga, Ontario. She draws from her science formation to create stories filled with humour and invention. With either words of pictures, Michèle gently draws readers in haunting universes inhabited by endearing characters. She has recently published two YA graphic novels Mistress of the Winds and The General's Garden at Echofictions. You can stop by her website (michele-laframboise.com) to say hello, or visit her indie publishing house (echofictions.com) to get a taste of her fiction!
Maîtresse des vents – Echofictions, français (2022)
Wind Mistress – Echofictions, English (2022)
Wind Mistress – Hardcover edition, Echofictions, English (2023)

Guest at MCAF
2023, 2024