About Marina León

Marina León is an Argentine-Brazilian comic artist, illustrator and graphic designer, recently arrived in Montreal to pursue a Master's degree in Visual and Media Arts at UQAM. She is the author and illustrator of the book Harald & Regina (2014), and illustrator of the children's books Ese pollo (2016) and Hahave y los Aku Aku (2019), some of them published in Argentina, Chile and Colombia. As a comic artist, her most recent publication in Argentina is the book El secreto de Culandro Colabrusca (2023), co-authored with Nicolás Schuff. Simultaneously, she creates and self-publishes her own humorous comics in zines since 2011, participating in numerous zine festivals and fairs in Buenos Aires. Her most recently published zine is Les zines de bande dessinée à Buenos Aires et à Montréal, in collaboration with François Donatien (2023), and she also participated in the third issue of Zine de Zines (2024) with an original comic and in the design of its cover.
El secreto de Culandro Colabrusca, avec Nicolás Schuff – Musaraña, 2023
Femme au foyer – autoédité, 2023
Les zines de bande dessinée à Buenos Aires et à Montréal, collab. François Donatien – autoédité, 2023

Finaliste au 14e Concours interuniversitaire de bande dessinée (RIVE, UdeM), 2023 (Montréal)
Finaliste au Premio a la Ilustración Latinoamericana (Universidad de Palermo), 2018 (Buenos Aires)
3eme prix au Concurso Evita: Un relato ilustrado (TÉLAM), 2015 (Buenos Aires)
Guest at MCAF
2023, 2024