About Alberto Montt

Author’s Graphic Novel, Humour, Sociopolitical
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Alberto Montt (Chile-Ecuador) is a Latin American illustrator. He has dedicated his career to tell stories full of black humor, criticism and daily reflections through cartoons and graphic works. Author of more than 20 published books, from autobiographical works to children's stories, all with his acid look as his trademark. His work has been published in Latin America, Spain, France, Sweden, Korea, Russia, Germany, Italy and Turkey. His renowned blog Dosis Diarias led him to develop characters such as God and the Devil, and Anxiety, among thousands of vignettes on social networks. In 2021, he was invited by the Maison des Auteurs for an artist residency in Angouleme, France, where he has resided ever since.
Antiayuda, published by Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial (2022)
Ansiedad, published by Planeta Cómic (2020)
En dosisdiarias, personal blog (2006-2019)
Solo necesito un gato, published by Temas de Hoy (2019)
published in French with the title J'adore mon chat : Mais il s'en fout complètement by çà & là (2020)
Laura y Dino, published by Réservoir Books (2016)

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