About Jacqueline Bouchard

Author’s Graphic Novel
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Jacqueline Bouchard is an artist, author and anthropologist who explores many different territories, combining language with a variety of artistic practices. Trained in visual art, anthropology and educational technology, her career has taken an anthropological approach, marked by writing, the creation of visual works and teaching in anthropology and art, both in Quebec and abroad. Ms. Bouchard is a regular contributor to cultural and academic journals, in both theatre and the visual arts. The author of several books, she has never stopped talking about and observing the world, drawing letters and writing images. Her interests include questions of identity, a subject she addressed in a dissertation on contemporary Amerindian art: Manifestations of Ethnicity in Contemporary Amerindian Art (Victoria College). Taking an ethnographic approach, first to Honduras and then to Quebec's Lower North Shore, she has published a children's story (La Pinata, Unicef Québec) and a novel for young readers (Le rocher apprivoisé, Éditions La Liberté). Deeply attached to nature, Ms. Bouchard has written two books on the relationship between art and nature: La forêt sculptée : Mouvement Essarts : 10 ans de création et de diffusion (Les Éditions d'Art Le Sabord) and Un théâtre de la nature. Des travaux et des jours (Éditions GID). Her first self-published comic strip was a manual for learning to draw. La petite qui parlait en dessinant was first created during a performance at La Chambre Blanche in 2015. She was accompanied by an old lady and an anthropologist. She freed herself from these characters to be reborn as a comic strip.
La petite fille qui parlait en dessinant – 2024, Moelle graphik

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