About Mario Malouin

Mario Malouin was born in 1956 in Amqui. At the age of two, his parents moved to the Quebec region where he worked all his life. Married for over 40 years, he is the father of two boys who are his pride. He has worked in the Quebec comics sector since October 1971. At first timidly, by placing humorous strips in regional weeklies. In 1974, he launched his own comics magazine, Plouf. The project did not last long, but gave him a strong experience in the graphic and printing world which will serve him throughout his life. After launching his first successful album based on the work of animator André Arthur, he and other cartoonists launched the magazine Safarir. Over the years, he will also work for Délire, Summum, Spirou, Fluide Glacial, 7Jours, La Semaine and TV Hebdo, in addition to having published more than thirty albums. He was also the president of the SCABD (Society of Creators and Friends of Comic Strips), which brought together 150 creators. He was also president of the Quebec International Comics Festival for two years. In 2016, he relaunched his publishing house, Les Éditions Mario Malouin, to publish his comic book heritage. Titles published to date: Récits Piquants, Shérif Babette, Justine hôtesse de l’air, and the reissue of 4 Piquant in large format. Other titles are in preparation. In October 2018, he launched the Salon de la bande dessinée et de l’image in Quebec. After 2 editions, the event is on pause, due to Covid. In 2018, he designed and co-wrote the album La naissance d’Henri. In 2021, in the midst of Covid, he produced a comic strip for the internet, dealing with the pride in vaccinating from different levels of medical professions. 30 publications will be produced and widely distributed. An album will then be published in fall 2022.
Ensemble contre la Covid, les héros de la vaccination – éditions les Impatients, 2022
Tranches de ciné #1 – Les éditions Mario Malouin, 2023
Piquant #7 – Les éditions Mario Malouin, 2024

Bédéis Causa pour l'ensemble de l'œuvre - 1988
Bédéis Causa pour l'album québécois - 1994
Prix reconnaissance de la Ville de Québec - 2023
Guest at MCAF
2015, 2022, 2023, 2024