About Siris

Author’s Graphic Novel, Historic
Siris has been highlighting society's shortcomings through comics and illustrations for over 35 years. He has taken part in several fanzines and collectives in France and Europe. In the 90s, he promoted alternative comics at festivals in Montreal, Belgium, France and Switzerland. Siris got his start with the comics fanzine Krypton in 1986, while studying at the Cégep du Vieux Montréal. He published Vogue la Valise - l'Intégrale with La Pastèque in 2017, an award-winning album. He also participated in René Lévesque, quelque chose comme un grand homme (Moelle graphik) with his old accomplice Marc Tessier on the script. Together they also signed Un Paris pour Dallaire (La Pastèque, 2022), and they are preparing a new comic album, still at La Pastèque : Corridart, the biggest case of artistic censorship in Canada. He also works as an artist animator for the organization Les Impatients, where he runs a 2D/3D workshop and a comics workshop.
Vogue la Valise - l'Intégrale | The Vagabond Valise – La Pastèque, 2017 | Conundrum Press, 2018
Un Paris pour Dallaire – La Pastèque, 2022
Vogue la Valise - l'Intégrale :
Grand Prix de la Ville de Québec – Prix Bédéis Causa
Prix Bédélys Québec
Prix de la critique ACBD de la BD québécoise 2018
Prix BD des Collégiens – 2e édition, 2019
Guest at MCAF
2012, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024