About Tristan Demers

Tristan Demers has been part of the Quebec cultural scene for 40 years. At the head of his creation studio, designer of around sixty comic book albums (Gargouille, Les Minimaniacs, Les Shopkins), he travels the world and hosts children's shows on television, on Radio-Canada and on Yoopa. Recipient of several awards, he is also the author of several essays and documentary books: Tintin et le Québec, Emmène-nous à La Ronde, Québec 80, L'Imaginaire en déroute and Astérix chez les Québécois.
Gargouille – depuis 1983
Dessiner c’est facile ! – depuis 2016
Les nouvelles aventures de Gargouille – 2018, Éditions Michel Quintin

Une vingtaine de prix dans plusieurs pays sur une période de 40 ans
Guest at MCAF
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2024