About Baladi

Alex Baladi was born on July 11, 1969 in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland. He has published over 70 books with various independent publishers since 1992. He co-directed two animated films with Isabelle Nouzha, in 2009 and 2012. He has been a founding member of La Fabrique de Fanzines since 2003 and a member of OuBaPo since 2005.
Un monde en pleine mutation – Atrabile, 2024
Revanche – The Hoochie Coochie, 2021
Décris-ravages (tomes 1 - 3) – Atrabile, 2016 - 2018

2000 : Prix Rodolphe Toepffer pour Frankenstein encore et toujours
2015 : Prix Rodolphe Toepffer Genève pour Autoportrait (13.11.2013 – 14.11.2014)
2018 : Prix Rodolphe Toepffer Genève pour Décris-ravage, T.2 : Décrire l'empire ottoman autour de 1830
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