About Jenny Bien-Aimé

Author’s Graphic Novel, Fantastic, Humour, Sociopolitical, Sci-Fi
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Jenny Bien-Aimé is a first generation Haitian illustrator based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Her work consists in exploring the human experience by conveying a dream-like atmosphere through the use of light, colours, and attention to the littlest details and composition. Her goal is to tell stories that go in depth into the psychological character exploration found in storytelling and world building while still keeping a relaxed environment. She primarily takes her inspiration from nature and the people in it.
Conte du Caméléon et autres récits qui font du bien (avec Joujou Turenne) - Planète Rebelle, 2024
Moïse, l'athlète de la parole (avec Stéphanie G. Vachon) - Station T, 2024
Un ciel sans oiseaux (avec Stéphanie Boyer) - Éditions de l'Isatis, 2022

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