About Silki

Silki is a comic book artist born in Seoul, South Korea, in 1993. After moving to India in 2008, she studied illustration at the University of Mumbai. She publishes her drawings and comics on the Internet. Her work takes the form of humorous strips on subjects such as loneliness and discrimination, adapted to the Instagram format. Her works have been published in book form, quickly becoming bestsellers. In 2016, she moved to France to further her studies in comics at EESI, in Angoulême. After achieving excellent results in her studies on sexism in animal comics, she worked in residence in Angoulême, at the Maison des auteurs. She continues to be active in France, creating fanzines and independent publications, which have been grouped together in a single book published in Korea: Malgré tout, je suis ici. She presented this album at festivals and with publishers, and it was then published in traditional Chinese by Tokhiu Books, and in French by L'Association. Kimchi baguette is his first book published in France. It was originally published in an Instagram-based digital magazine by Dargaud, in the Mâtin, quel journal! collection. Her work tackles the difficulties and racial discrimination faced by Korean women in France, as well as topics such as abortion, elections, veganism and kimchi, highlighting general cultural differences. With her unique drawing style and humor, she leaves a strong impression on French-speaking readers, with a particular focus on social issues such as diversity and inclusion. Her work is beginning to gain recognition in Europe and around the world. She has been invited to comic book festivals in Germany, Belgium and France. She has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of both traditional and digital comics. She currently presents Manhwa (Korean comics) in French-speaking countries, and 9th art in Korea.
Malgré tout, je suis ici – L’Association, 2024
Kimchi-Baguette (Collection Mâtin, quel journal !) – Dargaud, 2023
Une planche autour du monde (collectif) – Quebec BD, 2022

2020 – Concours artistique du réseau des CROUS | 3e prix régional en BD | Poitiers, France
2016 – Palette d'argent de l'illustration | 67th Cag Awards | Inde
2015 – Médaille de vermeil de l'illustration | International SOKI Design & illustration Competition | Corée du sud
2015 – Première finaliste du dessin de mode | International SOKI Design & illustration Competition | Corée du sud
2013 – Première finaliste d'illustration | International SOKI Design & illustration Competition | Corée du sud
2011 – Winner en Inde | Compétition internationale par UAL | Londres, UK
Guest at MCAF