About Jean-Philippe Morasse

A graduate in 3D animation, after working in this field for almost 10 years, Jean-Philippe Morasse decided to leave his career to devote himself to his own stories. A big fan of Disney films and Sailor Moon, if Jean-Philippe is not drawing and writing, he is probably running on Mont-Royal, catching Pokémon on his Nintendo Switch or giving love to his two cats, Gustav and Balthazar. Despite his phobia of sauces and his intolerance to poor customer service, Jean-Philippe is a sweet and gentle person who likes to make people laugh, who cries a lot and who likes to interact with others. He hopes that his books can entertain while bringing a touch of humanity to young and old alike.
Pas si différents! – 2023, Les Malins
Srirachat aventure à la cabane à sucre – 2024

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