MCAF | Montreal Comic Arts Festival


Fund Raising Event

This event is in French

Montreal, wednesday September 15- Montreal’s Comic arts Festival proudly announces its first fundraiser on October 28th as of 7 pm atthe Randolph Pub Ludique Quartier Latin

On this unique occasion to support the Mtl Comic arts Festival,  the team thanks the authors, publishers and bookshops that are crucial partners to this festive event. 

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Science literary Week in comics

The Science literary Week

From September 18th to 27th, discover science all around Quebec.

For this occasion MCAF and “Science pour Tous” present you a selection of scientific comic books you can find in libraries and bookstores.

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MCAF Exhibitions Still On At Le Marché Saint-Jacques

Until July 1st, discover the exhibitions Montreal in a Balloonand  Guy Delisle at Le Marché Saint-Jacques.

Guy Delisle exhibition

Rich, sensitive and surprising, Guy Delisle’s work is always exploring society and traveler’s life. 
Serious with humour, Guy Delisle became a master of comic arts from Schenzen to Hostage.

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Thank you folks !

The tents are rolled up and the tables packed up… the MCAF is officially over for this year.

A heartfelt “Thank you” to all the authors, exhibitors, visitors and volunteers who made this year’s edition a success. Without your participation, we wouldn’t have been able to break our attendance record once again!

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Identités BD

*this exhibition is in french*

Profitez du beau temps pour vous offrir une balade en bande dessinée. Identité BD, présenté par le FBDM et soutenu par le Plâteau-Mont-Royal, vous propose une promenade à travers la diversité de la bande-dessinée québécoise.

Jeunesse, BD engagée, fantastique,

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To continue the process started on April 7 and to allow all the parties to exchange and reflect on the current situation of the comic arts in Quebec. The Montreal Comic Arts Festival, in association with the Quebec City Francophone Comic Book Festival, invites everyone involved in the comic arts industry to participate in a first seminar to reflect and discuss. 

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A Conversation with Michel Rabagliati

In addition to promoting the unique viewpoints of Quebec comic book creators, Michel Rabagliati has been an ardent supporter of the MCAF since the beginning. On Saturday, May 27th, comic book aficionados will have the opportunity to hear him talk about his storied career in the industry.

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Mai, mois de la BD in Montreal

Mai, mois de la BD
From May 1 st to the 31 th,
it’s “Mai, mois de la BD” in all Montreal!

Initiated by the Montreal Libraries, May, Comics’ Month is bigger than ever. The 45 libraries will offer dozen activities, like panels,

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MCAF unveils its 2017 poster by Boum

After several teasers, MCAF is proud to present Boum’s poster for the 6th edition of the festival.

A friend of MCAF since 2012, Boum (Samantha Leriche-Gionet) is an accomplished artist from Montreal. 

A dynamic thirty-something, involved mom and proud geek, Boum appeals,

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