MCAF | Montreal Comic Arts Festival


News From MCAF

Hey hey!

You heard that right, we are launching the crowdfunding campaign for X, the latest in MCAF’s series of annual anthologies!

X is the second in our series Marvelous Creations And Fables (get it?), published by Presses du FBDM | MCAF Press. This year, to celebrate our 10th anniversary,

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Ten Years, Ten Months, Tell Me More

The 10th Anniversary Events Continue

As we continue to move forward with our 10th anniversary year, we’re delighted as always by the continuing participation of our creators, thank you so much!

For February, our 10-month program continues with the start of the comic book quizzes.
See you on February 25 for the first one on the theme of duets.

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Call for Entries – 2021 Programming

It’s once again time to start thinking about our programming lineup for the Montreal Comic Arts Festival. As always, we invite members of the public and professionals to propose your ideas and to actively participate in the creation and running of programming for the Festival.


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Ready for 2021!

10 years, 10 Months of Activities

No matter what else happens in 2021, one thing is for sure: The Festival is gonna be celebrating its 10th anniversary!

10 years already, who would have believed it? Well, we did, and so did all of you, obviously! So we’re inviting you to join us over the course of the coming months for a series of events designed for both the general public as well as comic arts pros.

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Call for Papers – Comic Arts Conference

Shaking the Foundations

MCAF Anniversary-Conference

The Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF) and the McGill Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal (CIRM) are pleased to invite you to the Shaking the Foundations Conference in Montreal, from October 28 to 30, 2021. In addition to highlighting the MCAF’s 10th anniversary,

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Happy Holidays from the MCAF Team!

The holidays are coming! Without forgetting about the sometimes difficult situation we all find ourselves in currently, we think it’s a wonderful time to embrace a festive mindset and turn our eyes towards a hopeful future.

This is our wish to all of you, that you are always able to find place for hope and joy,

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Call for Projects – Crowdfunding

Thanks to the support of the Conseil des arts Montréal, MCAF will be sponsoring three crowdfunding projects in 2021.

Eligible campaigns must be carried out on the La Ruche platform.

sum of $500 will be added as a bonus to each of the three campaigns if they reach their fundraising goals.

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Dedans novembre (Inside November)

Yup, the title of this month’s newsletter is a nod to the classic album Dehors Novembre by the quintessential Montreal rock band Les Colocs, which we’ve had playing on repeat lately. With Montreal still in confinement, “Dedans” (inside) seems more appropriate, wouldn’t you say?

So here we all are,

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The Montreal Comic Arts Festival is a non-profit organization with a mission to be a leading platform for the comic arts in Quebec and beyond, to broaden public knowledge of and engagement with the comic arts, and to promote cultural exchanges and interactions between creators, readers, and the public at large.

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A Busy October

Green, yellow, orange, red… The names of colors that once brought to mind the glorious foliage of autumn are now just as likely to remind us that we’re still living in a difficult time, and that there continue to be limitations on our ability to get out with friends and loved ones.

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