

BD-concert immersif : Shangri-La (in french)

Dans le cadre du 13ᵉ Festival BD de Montréal, nous vous invitons à la Société des arts technologiques [SAT] pour 2 représentations exceptionnelles du BD-concert Shangri-La.

Grâce à cette adaptation de la bande dessinée futuriste Shangri-La de Mathieu Bablet, entrez dans la station orbitale où se sont réfugiés les derniers humains….

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Call for Projects | La Ruche

Working on a comics project and thinking of doing a crowdfunding campaign? The Conseil des arts de Montréal and La Ruche, in partnership with MCAF, can help you bring your project to life!

That’s right, comic artists who have a crowdfunding project with a goal of $1,000 or more are eligible to an additional funding of $500 from the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

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2023 Bédélys Independent Submissions Now Open

Self-publishing has always been present in the Quebec comics community, whether as part of the development of new talent or as a choice to produce alternative and diverse works.

This is why the Montreal Comic Arts Festival believes in the importance of presenting these artists in its programming and highlighting their work through the Bédélys awards.

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Call for Projects | La Ruche

Working on a comics project and thinking of doing a crowdfunding campaign? The Conseil des arts de Montréal and La Ruche, in partnership with MCAF, can help you bring your project to life!

That’s right, comic artists who have a crowdfunding project with a goal of $1,000 or more are eligible to an additional funding of $500 from the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

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Call for applications – 2024 Programming Committee

The programming committee was established in September 2021. Its purpose is to help plan the programming of the Montreal Comic Arts Festival. It is headed by Virginie Mont-Reynaud, MCAF’s programming director.

Committee members meet monthly to discuss and exchange ideas on activities, guest artists and upcoming exhibitions. The role of committee members is to propose ideas and actively participate in discussions.

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The Manga Contest is back for a 2nd year!

What is the Manga Contest?

The popularity of manga has been steadily growing for several years, and an increasing number of people are becoming interested in the complex and creative aspects of their favorite hobby, such as manga drawing and scriptwriting.

Launched in 2022 by Les Librairies O-Taku,

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Call for Projects | La Ruche

Working on a comics project and thinking of doing a crowdfunding campaign? The Conseil des arts de Montréal and La Ruche, n partnership with MCAF, can help you bring your project to life!

That’s right, comic artists who have a crowdfunding project with a goal of $1,000 or more are eligible to an additional funding of $500 from the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

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