Do you Know the Bédélys International Award Jury?
Formerly known as Bédélys Gold and the Bédélys World, since 2012 the Bédélys International has been awarded to the best French-language comics published outside Quebec.
This category, which allows us to discover and take a critical look at the best international comics, includes works that must be available in French in Quebec during the year preceding the awards ceremony.
Selection Criteria
For this category, the jury determines which comics are part of the selection. Here are the criteria used to determine the accepted works:
- Publication in French-language including translations for an audience aged 14 and over
- Distribution in Quebec
- Must not be part of a series, only the first volumes are considered
- Publication and distribution between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year
Made up of readers from the book trade, the jury includes librarians and booksellers, as well as publishers and other book professionals.
- Blaise Cronimus, reader and jury president
- Jimmy Leiser, reader
- Catherine Racicot, librarian
- Johanne Desrochers, reader
- Pauline Laurent, reader
- Leander Mora, cartoonist
- Karim Talbi, publisher
- Magalie Lapointe-Libier, bookseller
While we await the unveiling of the finalists for the 25th annual Bédélys Awards, we’d like to introduce you to the jury for the Bédélys International Award. In this short discussion with Blaise Cronimus, jury president, we’ll take a look at the wide range of diverse books the jury looks at each year. We take this opportunity to open the call for applications to join the jury that will begin the readings for the 26th Bédélys.
MCAF: Can you tell us a little about the jury? How many books does the jury read in an average year? What do the Bédélys Awards mean to you?
Blaise: On average, jurors have to read over 100 titles a year. This allows us to read as many titles as possible, so that our selection is as representative as possible. We discuss all the titles in the jurors’ Top 10s, to determine a final selection. During this discussion, everyone puts forward their arguments in favor of a particular title. Generally speaking, the majority wins. It’s rare to have a tie between two titles. But if there is, each person puts forward his or her own arguments, and we also use our reading grid to break the tie. It’s always been a respectful and sympathetic process, and we always reach a majority agreement, whether on the nominees or the winning title.
MCAF: Has the way you read changed since you joined the jury?
Blaise: Yes, even though 4 years ago I considered myself an informed reader, being part of the Bédélys International jury has radically changed the way I approach my reading. In particular, I think my participation in the jury has opened me up to important social issues, such as the condition of indigenous peoples. It also opened up my reading horizons to less mainstream titles that I might not have considered before.
MCAF: If you had to convince someone to get involved in the jury, what would you say?
Blaise: Getting involved in the Bédélys International jury will open up your reading horizons, with titles you wouldn’t have read in a more traditional setting. You’ll meet a multicultural group who, over the months, will become friends, and with whom you’ll be able to share your opinions and views on comics. Finally, joining the jury is also an opportunity to get involved in Montreal’s comics art scene.
The call for applications to join the jury for the 26th annual Bédélys Awards is now open.