Découvrez Marguerite Sauvage

Aventure/Policier, BD d’auteur, Fantastique, Science-Fiction
Tous publics
[EN] After graduating in Law and Communication at Paris University, a longtime passion for image conducted Marguerite to become a freelance illustrator. She has since worked for various clients in many fields such as in press (Elle, Flaunt...), advertising (Publicis, Euro RSCG, Young and Rubican...) or publishing (Pinguin Books, Hachette...). More recently Marguerite has started working in parallel for entertainment in concept design (animation and video games), and in sequential art and cover art for comic books publishers (DC, Marvel, Image...). After several years of living in France, and then in Australia, Marguerite recently moved to live in the city of Montréal.
Et toi quand est-ce que tu t'y mets? (FluideG)
DC Bombshells (DC Comics)
Nubia (DC Comics)
Faith (Valiant Comics)

Présent·e au FBDM
2017, 2019, 2022